Sometimes, it feels like the darkness is winning. Like the weight we carry is too heavy, like there’s no escape from the emptiness. It's the pressure to fit in. The stress to perform. That voice in your head saying, ‘You’re not good enough.’ We cover it up, hide behind our screens, bury ourselves in distractions… but deep down, we feel it. That ache, that loneliness.
“But Jesus. Jesus has something to say about all of it, "‘The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; but I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus isn’t just offering survival. Just enough. He’s offering life overflowing—
Life that’s bigger than the pressure, louder than the lies, and stronger than the fear.
Life where you don’t have to pretend to be perfect, because you know you’re already loved.
A life filled with hope, forged in faith, and fueled by love.”
“This is the life Jesus wants for you.
And it’s time to remind ourselves—and each other—that we were made for more.
More than anxiety.
More than comparison.
More than just getting through the day.
We were made for life OVERRFLOWING.
And life is what we will do - not alone. but life together.
We are Life Youth.
Let's find Life...together.