The Mountain of Worship

Oct 28, 2012    Pastor Brian Zahnd

Our mission as the Church (to preach, baptize, make disciples, teach, do theology) flows from our worship. Why do we preach the gospel, make disciples, teach, do theology, build churches, care for the sick and poor? Because we worship the true and living God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Everything we do as a church flows from our identity as a worshiping people. Worship is central, primary, formative, and it is essential. Our attitude when we gather together on Sunday mornings should be that we are disciples intending to worship, not consumers needing to be entertained. One of the worst ways to evaluate worship is by how it makes you feel. The purpose of worship is not to make you feel something (it's not about you, afterall), but rather, the purpose of worship is to properly relate to God and be properly formed. On Sunday mornings when we gather as a corporate body, we will be faithful, intentional, thoughtful, and thankful. And we will remember, everything we do as a church flows from our identity as a worshiping people.